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Find Wells Fargo Bank and ATM Locations in Morrisville. The Wells Fargo routing number for North Carolina is 053000219. Services and Information Enter your starting address 2801 RALEIGH RD PKWY W Phone: 252-265-9777. The Wells Fargo wire transfer routing number is 121000248 for any transfers inside of the United States. Routing number : 053100300, Institution Name : FIRST CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Delivery Address : 100 EAST TRYON ROAD/DAC28,RALEIGH, NC - 27603, Telephone : 888-323-4732. univest bank cd rates Mar 25, 2024 · Wells Fargo Bank Routing Numbers. For SWIFT BIC numbers, ABA federal routing numbers, and CHIPS information, see our international resources. Get hours, services and driving directions. Use the Wells Fargo Mobile® app to request an ATM Access Code to access. ramunto's bennington vermont Find Wells Fargo Bank and ATM Locations in Raleigh. In our record, Wells Fargo Bank has a total of 132 routing numbers. Get hours, services and driving directions. This unique NUMBER is assigned by the FDIC and is used to identify institutions and for the issuance of insurance certificates by FDIC Wells Fargo Bank Raleigh Branches. Use the Wells Fargo Mobile® app to request an ATM Access Code to access your accounts without your debit card at any Wells Fargo ATM. dow futures cnn money Get routing numbers for Wells Fargo checking, savings, line of credit, and wire transfers or find your checking account number. ….

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